baseUrl buildHtml openGraphImage bitcoin.png title #SellNothing viewSourceButton /edit.html? metaTags theme gazette printTitle # My Dumbest Financial Decisions mediumColumns 1 *** # #1. Acquiring Bitcoin when it was $6 and selling at $1,000 bitcoin.png caption Early me did not deeply believe in exponentials. Early me sold for a 100x gain instead of a 6,000x gain, missing out on ~98% of the upside. *** # #2. Acquiring Ether when it was $10 and selling at $20 ether.png caption Note: I still don't know what The DAO was and that part of the email was a joke, but it does look like DAOs became a thing so I was wrong about that. The DAO DAOs *** # #3. Buying NVDA in 2014 and selling in 2017 nvda.jpeg **** center scrollVersionLink